

年會首頁 Annual Conference Homepage
台灣質譜學會第二十屆學術研討會於2024年6月26日(三)至6月28日(五)在台南成功大學醫學院舉辦。本次研討會我們很榮幸邀請美國普渡大學Julia Laskin教授和昆士蘭科技大學Stephen Blanksby教授擔任大會講者,分享兩位教授在質譜領域卓越的研究成果。本次大會的演講主題包含儀器與方法開發、食品與藥物、蛋白質體與代謝體、環境與公共衛生、臨床與生物醫學、濫用藥物與毒物、樣本前處理、質譜資料處理以及無機質譜,並且邀請質譜技術相關廠商舉辦科儀新知與Lunch seminar,藉此讓與會者更深入瞭解當前質譜技術的發展和最新的分析技術,廠商也有機會介紹最新的質譜技術與儀器,展示這些技術在不同領域的應用案例。期盼此次研討會能使質譜相關學術界及業界充分交流,為台灣學術、研究單位及業界注入新活力並與國際接軌,有助於提高國內質譜相關知識及技術的水平。台灣質譜學會在此誠摯地邀請各領域學者、專家與學生蒞臨本次研討會,共襄盛舉。

The 20th Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference will be held at the College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, on June 26-28, 2024. We are honored to invite Prof. Julia Laskin from Purdue University, USA, and Prof. Stephen Blanksby from Queensland University of Technology, Australia, to be plenary speakers. They will share their outstanding academic research in mass spectrometry with all participants. The conference will cover various fields, such as Instrumentation and Methodology Development, Food and Drug, Proteomics and Metabolomics, Environment and Public Health, Clinical and Biomedicine, Drug of Abuse and Toxics, Sample preparation, MS data processing and Inorganic mass spectrometry. Mass spectrometry manufacturers will be invited to hold scientific knowledge and lunch seminars. The conference provides an opportunity for participants to gain a deeper understanding of the current development in mass spectrometry technology and the latest analysis method. Manufacturers can introduce the latest mass spectrometry technology and instruments and demonstrate their application in various fields. It is hoped that the 20th Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference will facilitate comprehensive interaction between academics and industry., inject new vitality into Taiwan's academic research units and needs, and integrate them with international standards, thereby helping to improve the level of relevant domestic knowledge and technology once again. We sincerely invite scholars, experts, and students from all fields to attend this seminar and participate in this grand event.
年會首頁 Annual Conference Homepage
演講主題 (Topic)
  1. 儀器與方法開發 (Instrumentation and Methodology Development)
  2. 食品與藥物 (Food and Drug)
  3. 蛋白體與代謝體學 (Proteomics and Metabolomics)
  4. 環境與公共衛生 (Environment and Public Health)
  5. 臨床與生物醫學 (Clinical and Biomedicine)
  6. 濫用藥物與毒物 (Drug of Abuse and Toxics)
  7. 樣本前處理 (Sample preparation)
  8. 質譜資料分析 (MS data processing)
  9. 無機質譜 (Inorganic MS)
主辦單位(The organizer)
  • 台灣質譜學會 (Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry)
  • 成功大學醫學院(College of Medicine, NCKU)/環境醫學研究所(Department of Environmental and Occupational Health)/核心設施中心(Core Facility Center)